Food & Beverage

Food and beverage applications need special considerations, temperature controlled environment, managing expiration dates, and meeting the tough local Food Safety regulations. Chappaly Industries has reengineered the way food and beverage application are stored and distributed. Efficiency being the key in this marketplace and with modular solutions for both storage and distribution solutions, Chappaly Industries delivers while increasing your bottom line margins.

Solutions from Chappaly Industries
  • Racking & Shelving systems.
  • Mobile Racking.
  • Bins & Containers.
  • Automated Storage & Retrieval systems and Shuttle systems.
  • Conveyor & Sorting systems.
  • Manual & Semi-Automatic Reach Truck and Very Narrow Aisle Truck with Warehouse Navigation systems.
  • Enterprise WMS® warehouse management software and seamless integration with ERP software solutions for manual, partially-automated or fully automated warehouses and distribution centers.

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